Friday, June 10, 2016

Sarah La-Kali and Unity

Shechorah Ani veNa’vah

“Black I am, and beautiful” – Shir HaShirim 1:5

Every Hebrew name is connected to a verse or verses in the Hebrew Scriptures. There are standard lists of such verses, but any verse beginning and ending with the letters corresponding to the beginning and ending letters of the name are applicable.  In the case of the verse “Shechorah Ani veNa’vah”, we see that it fits the name Sarah, with “shin” and “heh” as the beginning and ending letters.  Is there a black or dark Sarah?  Indeed there is:  Sarah la-Kali – “Sarah the Black” – whom some believe to be the daughter of Jesus (Yehoshua HaNotzri) and Mary Magdalene (Miriam HaMigdalah).  Uniting in her person what a certain Christian esoteric approach regards as the “masculine” and “feminine” aspects of the Divine manifest in her parents as “Word” (Davar/Logos) and “Wisdom” (Chochmah/Sophia), Sarah points to the Unmanifest “Blackness” of the Essence in which those aspects are integrated, from which they arise, and into which they return.

The verse “Shechorah Ani veNa’vah” has 13 Hebrew letters.  The number 13 is the gematria value of “Echad” or “One”.  Thus, the verse evokes unity. 

Channeling a message from Sarah, Rachel Goodwin notes: “In the blessing, Sarah talks about the state of consciousness - 'oneness' that humanity is entering into. She holds the energy of integration and this is part of the blessing; as we receive her energy (that is being channeled out through the blessing) she helps us energetically shift closer and closer towards this oneness. And what does that oneness mean? It means we come into a state of acceptance, of peace within ourselves, that all the parts of us that are 'split off' are returned to their original state of wholeness, and that our 'higher' and 'lower' selves are also gently teased closer and closer towards each other, knitting them more tightly together. How does she do this? "in Her there is no separation" Sarah IS this energy of oneness, so in her presence our energy bodies start in sympathetic vibration to resonate along with hers.” (

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Michael, that gives me another layer of understanding! The unmanifest blackness sounds like the void, interesting!
